Saturday, December 22, 2012

'Tis the season

So, today it finally started to feel like Christmas.  Huge thank you to my mom for taking Marie today so that Troy and I could finish shopping.  I feel like I did really well this year.  Every year Troy and I say we will do shopping early, we will get it done before mid-December.  Every year we wind up shopping either 1-2 days before Christmas eve.

Even though we had an excuse this year, it was no different.  Today, we wound up doing all of our shopping.  So where did we go?  The mall.  Every year, I get stressed.  The crowds get to me.  I get angry, antsy, and aggravated.   I get testy, tense, and ticked off.  It's like my whole body tenses up.  My fists clench, my shoulders shrug up to my chin and I have a constant look of terror on my face.  It happens every year.  Troy always tells me to calm down, we know what to expect, and to just be patient while we shop.  Every year we get half way through and I just throw my hands in the air and say "forget it--lets just buy the next thing we see and leave."

This year, though, it was different.  I don't know if it was because of everything going on my life right now, but I was able to get through it.  Troy and I left around 11, spent the day shopping at the mall, met up with two of my best friends for lunch, then went BACK to the mall to finish, and I wasn't stressed at all.  It was definitely crowded, but I just dealt with it.  Granted, when I came home for the night, I was exhausted.  I may have tried to fit too much in, but it was a great day.  I really had an awesome day with my husband.  It was very nice, and thanks to mom for helping it happen.

Tomorrow we see Troy's family.  They are coming up to spend the day with us here.  It will be really nice to see them.  I haven't seen them since the day after I was diagnosed, and a lot has changed.  It's been a month (almost exactly) since I got the news, and everything has been such a blur.   Well, one day at a time, right?

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

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