Monday, December 17, 2012


If you pop pain meds, then fall asleep 3 hours in...when you wake up, the medication will have worn off.  A lot.

Today was a high pain day.  If you follow facebook, you'll already know that.

It's kind of sinking in that I may not be back at work this year.  On one hand, I'm really sad.  On the other hand, I guess I can use the "good days" that everyone talks about to do stuff that I never really got to do/ had time to do because of work.  Scrapbooking, reading for pleasure, who knows.  Maybe I'll take up a new hobby.

I know that chemo won't be all good, but I guess I have to look at the positives.

One really big positive that I learned during today's mostly in bed day: How I Met Your Mother Season 7 is finally on Netflix.

Thanks everyone for the book recommendations!  :)
I'm sure I'll use them.

Before I sign off tonight, I want to thank my mom.  She has been amazing: helping me wash my hair, buying me food, watching Marie, and just being the best mom ever.  I know that I'll be a great mom, because I learned from her.

Thanks Mom!

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