Sunday, January 6, 2013

Short and sweet (not so sweet, I'm probably going to be mean, haha)

Just want to put a brief note to all my teacher friends...

While I am slightly upset that I'm not coming back to work this semester for many reasons, I've been trying to stay positive.  So, here's me being positive about my situation and continuing to look on the bright side....

Na na na na boo boo, you have to go back to work and I don't!  HAHAHAHA.

never mind that I have cancer and I'm super freaked out about why I'm not going back to work


This post was in no way meant to imply that I'm grateful that I'm not going back.  It's just, I have to look at things positively no matter how shitty they are.  And, I will gladly take another two weeks at home with my daughter while I feel relatively healthy before chemotherapy begins to kick my ass.

So, teacher friends, have fun waking up SUPER early tomorrow.

I was really stupid and scheduled my EKG for super early tomorrow so I will be up with you.

Have fun lesson planning, grading, and dealing with the kids in whatever state their parents send them back to school in.

But seriously, good luck to all of you going back.  I hope the rest of your school year is awesome.  You all have great kids (especially those at my school-haha), and they are lucky to have you all as teachers/staff members.  I'm sure that your semester will fly by and before you know it you will be posting your countdowns for summer vacation.  I miss you all!  Feel free to email me and call me while you are at work if you are looking for a break!  Love you all!