Monday, January 7, 2013

New car

Not really.  I didn't get a new car.  I want one.  Don't know why, but I do.

I'm talking about a theory that Troy has come up with.  You know when you get a new that maybe you didn't see around that much...but when you actually buy it, all of a sudden it's everywhere?  You know the phenomenon I'm talking about.  Even this...Troy got this car for work.  It's a car/van thing that I swear I've never seen before.  Now, they are everywhere!!!
Well, I feel like cancer is my new car.  EVERYWHERE I look, I'm immersed in it.  Driving down the street, I swear I can count 6 pink ribbon license plates in a 5 minute span.  TV--ALWAYS showing Susan G. Komen/Avon walk for the cure/etc. commercials.  ALWAYS.  All of a sudden people in my social circles all seem to have some sort of connection with it.  

I'm sure it was always there before, but now it's definitely around--all. the. time.  

Anyway, in medical news: I had an echocardiogram today.  It's basically a fancy ultrasound of my heart.  Apparently my heart has to be strong to undergo chemo, and even stronger if I get put on herceptin.   

I had never had one of these before, so I didn't know what to expect.  When I went to check in, the registration secretary started our routine:

Her: Here is your consent form the one that you have probably signed about 30 times so far
Me: **signs form**
Her: When is your birthday?
Me: **le sigh** 1/20/84
Her: **hesitates** are so know....going.through.this.  
Me: Yeah.  I get that a lot. 
Her: Do you have a family history?
Me: Nope.
Her: Wow. 
Me: yep. 
Her: I'm sorry. 
Me: It's ok.  I'm just taking it day by day.  Taking care of everything I need to take care of...**gives her look hinting that echocardiogram is the next thing that needs taking care of**
Her: Oh, I'm sorry.  You are all set, just wait on the couches to your left.  
Me: **shuffles over to couches**

Now, at the couches, there were several people seated.  ALL OF WHOM WERE OVER THE AGE OF 60.  I swear, with each new appointment/doctor/nurse (or anyone else I come in contact with because of my diagnosis) I am constantly reminded that I am way too young for this.

As I sit there stewing in my youth, a woman in blue scrubs comes out and says: Lisa?
Welp, that's me.  

Our exchange goes as follows...
Her: **takes me to exam room** Have you ever had an echocardiogram before?
Me: **seriously?** Nope.  
Her: Well, we will do an ultrasound of the heart, so I'll need you to undress from waist up and put on this gown.
Me: Ok
***Changes while she leaves**
Her: **re-enters** So, what have you had done so far?
Me: **laying on table with breasts pretty much exposed** Well, they did a double mastectomy and started reconstruction...
Her: **as if just realizing why I'm there** Oh...**looks at chart** You're.really.young.
Me: **Le Sigh...again** Yep.  

UGH.  Anyway, the test kind of hurt a bit.  I mean they took an ultrasound wand and shoved it up against my recently sliced open chest (sorry for being graphic, but you know...)

Today was good.  We went to great clips and got hair cuts after my appointment.  Marie, my mom and I all got hair cuts.  I was intending on getting Marie's trimmed, but when she saw mine short, she said "I want it like mommy's".  So, she got it.  I've been contemplating cutting her hair shorter for a while, so we went a bit shorter than shoulder-length.  Here are some fun pics.




....and here's my haircut.  I'm not too thrilled with this one.  I'm looking more forward to the next one.  We'll see.  

Had a talk with a great friend today.  Apparently we're connected through our brains ;)  It's nice to have kindred spirits out there. Michelle, thanks for reading, and for reading my mind, haha.   


  1. Haha! I totally agree with your theory. I thought I was the only one who has experienced that. But reading your blog, I can now definitely say that that makes two of us. :D Anyway, you can never blame people if they buy the same car as Troy’s. It's beautiful and spacious as well. That's usually the things people look for in a car, right? Anyway, hope you heal completely soon! Never lose hope, dear!

  2. It is indeed a funny theory. However, it actually boils down to being aware of the car's model. That same model has been all over the place before, but since you are not familiar with the model, you probably didn't notice its existence. By the way, how are you doing now?

    Junior Perrera

  3. I agree with Junior’s point – it’s most probable that you weren’t just that aware of a certain car model before. But I propose another theory: Maybe we’re just all trendsetters, and when we pick something, others want to have it too! That’s a funny way of thinking about it, right? :) Anyway, how are you now? How are the treatments? Hope you’re getting better every day!

    Carry Bacot
