Sunday, March 24, 2013


For those of you who know me, you know that I have no etiquette.  Like, none.  For those of you who are friends with me, you are ok with that.  Or, at least, you pretend to be.

For those of you who don't know me, let me explain two main etiquette issues that I have...

1. I don't RSVP on time (if at all)

I'm seriously that person on most lists that will get that know the one... "Hey, Lisa?  I was just calling to see if you were going to make it to the party/shower/reception/etc.  Hope to see you there!"  Really, they don't hope to see me there, they just want to check me off the list of coming/not coming.  I know it's bad, but I've been this way for a long time. 

2. Thank you notes are often late (if they ever arrive)
My wedding shower was the first time that I really had to write thank you notes.  Well, at least since I was a kid.  I wrote them all, and I was pretty proud of them.  Then, came the wedding itself.  I wrote those, too, and I was really proud of them.  Then came the baby shower...same story.  The ending to all of these stories?  Somehow about 1/2 the thank-you notes made it out the door.  Whether it was because I didn't have the address at the time, or I ran out of stamps, or I just was too plain lazy to walk to the mailbox, it just didn't happen.  Only half made it.  When Troy and I moved back in with my parents, I literally found a grocery bag with WRITTEN thank you notes from all three of these events in the cabinet above my fridge.  They just never got mailed out.    

When all of this started, I thought to myself about the thank-you note fiasco.  I mean, since diagnosis (D-Day), people have done so many generous and kind things for me.  Thank you notes will never be enough, but I do know that it's a start.  I just find it ironic that I am yet again faced with this issue.  I really did think that it would be all over after the baby shower.  I know that there are so many people who have yet to be thanked for their help or support, but I want you to know (if you are reading this) that you are thanked.  I promise.  You may not get a thank you card in the mail within the time that etiquette allows, but my family and I DO truly thank you.

All of this got me thinking about Karma....It's not really a good thing to think about when you have cancer.  Then, you start thinking the "why me" speech.  Do I have cancer because I forgot to send that thank you note in 2007? or 2008?  or 2009?  I kid, I kid.  I mean, yeah, I have cancer, but I don't think that anything I've done put me here.  I don't think that there is some cosmic force that said that I messed up somewhere along the line and that is why I am where I am today.  There are plenty of people who are way better than me and they are in a worse position, and vice versa.

Anyway, just in case the thank you notes are what put me's to EVERYONE I have ever failed to thank..... (and I know it's not enough).

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