Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Soft Pretzels.

11 More...
When I went in to the Cancer Center last thursday, I was actually upbeat.  I was excited that I was starting the "last leg" of chemo.  I knew that I had 12 treatments to go, but knowing that after those 12 were over, I'd be done?  That was awesome.

It was a long day.  I had a lot of meds coursing through my veins.  But that was ok, because these meds were supposed to be easier.  These meds were supposed to not have as many side effects.

All things considered, I left the cancer center feeling better than I usually do when I leave.  I didn't feel as tired (well, I was a little bit tired due to the benedryl), I didn't have the chemical smell in my nose--that was a fun side effect.  Overall, I felt ok.  This was going to be an easy three months.

Fast forward to the weekend.  Exhaustion hit.  Absolute exhaustion.  I was just tired, all the time.  Ok, I didn't expect that.  Especially because good ole' doc said "You shouldn't feel as much fatigue".  Liar.

Then, Monday hit.  Yesterday was probably one of the worst days so far.  I was definitely not expecting that.  This was supposed to be easier.

Granted, I got my period yesterday.  If you don't like talk about periods or lady parts, click away, now.  When I was on the pill, I had no cramps, no issues.  My period was short and sweet.  No issues.  Repeat, no issues.  NOW?  It's like my body is revolting against me.  Oh, you have cancer?  Well let me take that really easy time of month for you and make it awful.  Let me make you go crazy with cramps and pms and all things menstrual, because THAT is what you need right now.

Literally I was in bed yesterday with a heating pad on my uterus for the majority of the day.  My poor daughter had no idea what was going on.  Today is not turning out to be much better, but at least she's at school so she doesn't have to witness my crazy.

This is how I feel right now:

She is very descriptive.  But it works.

Combine those period pains with the fact that my muscles all feel like they have been used to the fullest extent possible, and the fact that my fingers and toes are numb and tingling, and you have me.  Today.  Ugh.


  1. Hmm. Rough post to comment on, but your still amazing and strong and an inspiration to those around you :)

  2. Hey Lisa, it's Kelly D.! I just wanted you to know you are not writing to the air & we are reading! I am always reading and hoping to see that something made you smile or laugh...because I really wish for you to have at least a little of that in your day! So please know, I am sending you a gentle hug and a BIG smile to let you know, I am listening. <3 - Kelly

  3. LOVE New Girl! Take care of yourself! :)

  4. Thanks guys! I'm not sure how to reply to individual comments, but here goes.

    Anonymous: I'm pretty sure you are Ken, so I love you, bro. :)

    Kelly D: Thanks so much, you are awesome! Sending you a gentle hug back! :)

    Kellie: New Girl is my new fav! :) I just watched the new one last night. It makes me laugh out loud--it's been a long time since a show has done that, haha!
