Tuesday, February 12, 2013

It has been a busy couple of days.

This weekend was one of my good weekends.  It seems like I'm getting into a bit of a routine.  I'm sure as soon as I get into this routine, I'll start the new drug and then I'll be thrown for a loop again.  But...It's ok because I'll figure out a new routine, and then I'll be good.

This weekend I went out with a group of friends to a local Irish pub-type place to see a cover band/singer.  It was a lot of fun.  In fact, I probably had too much fun if you ask me.  It was definitely my first time doing that since starting chemotherapy.  I was quickly reminded the next morning why I don't do that too much.  Ugh.  I felt nauseous for the first time since starting chemotherapy, hah.

So it's Valentine's day this week.  What are my plans, you ask?  Oh, no big deal, just getting chemo drugs injected into my veins.  Ugh.

For an early V-Day outing, Troy and I are going to the Melting Pot.  It's going to be great because it is a place we never go to (and we eat out...a lot).  Yum.  My mom is being awesome and watching Marie for us so we can have a date night.

Tomorrow, I was supposed to have my wig fitting/consultation and get the wig that I got from the cancer society cut.  However, she got the flu, so she had to cancel.  Even though at the moment, I'm totally ok with the wraps, I was kind of bummed.  Actually, I was really bummed.  I was actually hoping to wear it on our date.  Oh well.  I rescheduled for next Tuesday.

Marie's first school pictures came in!  I cannot believe how big she is getting.

We have officially signed her up for ballet and for swimming again.  She starts swimming next Thursday and ballet next Saturday.  She's been asking for weeks to do "dance class right now".  Finally, I caved.  We had to buy her a leotard and shoes for the class.  Here's her trying them on.  She's EXTREMELY excited.  

Life seems almost normal for a moment.  :)